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The Black Sea Fleet trained to repel attacks by saboteurs

The Black Sea Fleet trained to repel attacks by saboteurs

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Black Sea Fleet conducted training in combating underwater saboteurs and unmanned enemy boats.

The crews of the Raptor patrol boats practiced searching for high-speed small-sized targets using their own means and in cooperation with naval aviation.

Having identified the conditional unmanned boats, the fighters opened fire from the Uprava-Kord automatic artillery modules and small arms. The targets were destroyed at a distance of up to two kilometers from the boats— the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

In order to detect and destroy enemy underwater saboteurs, as well as to eliminate threats from underwater mining of the water area, servicemen of the special forces unit for combating underwater sabotage forces and means carried out underwater descents to inspect the anchorage sites of the ships and the adjacent water area.

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