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The collection of applications for the lecturer competition from the Knowledge Society continues. Sevastopol residents are invited to participate

The collection of applications for the lecturer competition from the Knowledge Society continues. Sevastopol residents are invited to participate

CrimeaPRESS reports:

For the All-Russian competition Knowledge.Lecturer – 2024 74 applications were submitted from Sevastopol. The competition for educators has already collected 14 thousand applications from all regions of the country. Registration for adults and students has been extended until July 7.

74 educators from Sevastopol will compete for the title of best lecturer in the country — this is fifth place in the Southern Federal District. The top ten leaders of the application campaign currently are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Donetsk People’s Republic, Tver Region, Moscow Region, Krasnodar Territory, Saratov Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Lugansk People’s Republic and Chelyabinsk Region.

We in the Knowledge Society consider it important that Russian citizens have the opportunity to self-realize, demonstrate their skills and talents. Therefore, having seen the great interest of the audience in our competition, we decided to extend the registration period for adults and students. And schoolchildren are submitting their last applications today in order to catch the fall shift at Artek. We are very pleased that even during the busiest period of the school year, 4,700 children took advantage of the unique chance and joined the competition to become educators. We are already studying their video cards and see a great desire to share knowledge and help others develop. We look forward to participating in the competition in our community of lecturers, and together we will strengthen the intellectual potential of Russia. Let the strongest win! — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the General Director of the Russian Society “Knowledge” Maxim Dreval.

Participants Knowledge.Lecturer – 2024 will have a chance to join regional lecture teams of the Knowledge Society and speak at local educational events. 50 winners among adults and students will receive 250 thousand rubles each to promote their educational content.

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Contestants can also receive partner prizes by completing tasks from the Other Business service. The rating will be available in special leaderboards.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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