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The course “History of Religions of Russia” will be introduced in all universities of the country from the new academic year

The course “History of Religions of Russia” will be introduced in all universities of the country from the new academic year

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The course “History of Religions of Russia” will be introduced in all higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation from the next academic year; it is currently being tested in 28 universities. About it TASS reported the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

A new educational course “History of Russian Religions” is being tested at 28 universities; it is planned to expand the module to all universities starting from the next academic yearthe message says.

The course is being developed and implemented on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The standard program was developed by specialists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and Russian State Social University.

The course is aimed at presenting adequate and up-to-date knowledge about the religious traditions of Russia in the context of the formation of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​and all-Russian civic identitysaid Deputy Head of the Ministry of Education and Science Konstantin Mogilevsky.

He clarified that the module consists of three main sections and topics grouped into them.

As Pavel Kostylev, adviser to the department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy, noted, first of all, the module will be presented in a number of socio-humanitarian areas of training, such as history, philosophy, theology and religious studies.

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