The Crimea is prepared by the heads of student workshops for employment in the summer
Krympress reports:
From 7 to 9 February on the basis of the Crimean Federal University. V.I. Vernadsky was held by the school of training of the team compositions of student detachments of the Republic of Crimea, whose participants were students preparing for the upcoming summer labor season.
More than 80 fighters of Russian student detachments took part in the school: commanders, commissars and masters of student detachments of leading higher and secondary and professional educational institutions of the peninsula.
The School of Students is an effective base for the training of linear student detachments for working at labor facilities, increasing their professional competencies and leadership qualities, discussing problem situations in the work and prospects for the development of student -traders of the Republic of Crimea in 2025.
The event has become an important stage for the further training of students who will soon begin their professional training in such specialties as a counselor, medical worker, a service sector, agricultural industry, maid, cook and others. During the school, the participants listened to a series of lectures and master classes on the main aspects of labor in various fields. Particular attention was paid to issues regarding the organization of labor processes, management management and interaction with students.
Thanks to such events, we strive to form the team potential among the Stadot -Radoters, prepare them for the realities of the labor market and give them all the necessary tools for a successful entry into the profession. This is not only an opportunity for beginners, but also for experienced fighters to improve their leadership qualities. This year we paid special attention to strategies for the development of student detachments, and the teams are ready for productive work for the good of the region”Said Ekaterina Denesyuk, head of the Crimean regional branch of Russian student detachments.
After passing the educational course, the participants were final testing. The certification has been awarded certificates on the successful passage of the school of commanding staff of student detachments of the Republic of Crimea.
For me, as for the commander of the detachment, it is very important to understand my direct responsibilities, to know the main mechanisms of involving students in the activities of detachments and in the future to provide them with support for employment. I strive to develop not only professional competencies, but also leadership qualities, and such events help me in this. It is important that each command staff after passing the school feels its significance and the ability to contribute to the common causeSaid Angelina Radchenko, commander of the student pedagogical detachment “Condor” of the Crimean regional branch of Russian student detachments.
Information and photos are provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the Russian Student detachments MOOO
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