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The Crimean Observatory talked about the “parade of planets” that “you can admire” on June 3

The Crimean Observatory talked about the “parade of planets” that “you can admire” on June 3

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Crimean Astrophysical Observatory spoke about numerous applications and requests to “show the parade of planets,” which (as reported by numerous Internet sources) will take place today, June 3.

Firstly, the very concept of a “parade of planets,” let’s say, is not only not scientific, but also meaningless.

The Parade of the Planets is a beautiful old hypothesis according to which the planets can line up in a single line, directed from the Earth into space. As astronomy developed, it became clear that the parameters of the planetary orbits of the Solar System, in particular, different orbital inclinations, do not allow such configurations. In this regard, in professional astronomy this phenomenon has long been not considered even as hypothetical. A check against the most comprehensive Russian Elibrary database also shows a complete absence of any significant scientific publications on this topic.

However, various types of business, for example, astrology, which is recognized as a pseudoscience, consider this phenomenon as real and, together with some representatives of the press who are greedy for sensational dummies, urge them to “enjoy the spectacle”told at the observatory.

Secondly, a fact that you can check yourself (not only at the observatory). The planets are now impossible to observe.

Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus are hiding in the rays of the Sun, Mars is at the very limit of visibility, and only Neptune and Saturn peek out a little in the morning. At the same time, Neptune is visible only through a telescope, so in fact, you can only somehow admire Saturn, and only for those who want to wake up at half past four in the morning. Those interested can verify this for themselves — just download one of the many planetarium programs or applications such as Stellarium, StarWalk, Sky Safari, etc. and see the view of the morning sky on June 3 or any other date,” the Crimean Observatory emphasized.

Thirdly, trust only professionals, and not everything that is “written on the Internet.”

No special events are expected in the sky on June 3. There are also no special events planned for this date. Lecture and excursion events are carried out as usual, registration by phone. +79788935411 during business hours. Save your time, trust only trusted sources of information— summed up the observatory.

“Parade of Planets” is canceled for today!

Find out more:  ВС РФ применили в Угледаре тактику, использованную в Артемовске. А украинцев продолжают отправлять на фронт «с улицы»

The Crimean Observatory talked about the “parade of planets” that “you can admire” on June 3

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