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The “Dugouts in Warm” campaign continues in Simferopol

The “Dugouts in Warm” campaign continues in Simferopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Emergency trees and trees felled by the hurricane were sent to the zone of a special military operation to warm the soldiers. Roman Filipenko, director of the municipal budgetary cultural institution “Capital Parks,” spoke in more detail about the “Dugouts in Warm” campaign.

This is already the 10th anniversary shipment of firewood for fighters of a special military operation. We started this tradition after a stormy wind. Now, in the cold season, the request for firewood from soldiers is one of the most pressinghe said.

The day before, two KAMAZ trucks of damaged and fallen trees were sent to the zone of a special military operation. We also sent dry branches and logging residues from caring for healthy trees.

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