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The early career guidance project, implemented in Sevastopol, has collected over 55 million views

The early career guidance project, implemented in Sevastopol, has collected over 55 million views

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The early career guidance project, implemented in Sevastopol, collected over 55 million views and became central in Russia. Managing Director of the Humanitarian Projects Foundation Ivan Yesin stated this at the All-Russian Forum of Class Teachers:

A minimum career guidance program was launched in all schools in the country on September 1, the digital core of which was the “Ticket to the Future” platform. In just a month, 1.5 million schoolchildren took advantage of the capabilities of this resource, and career guidance lessons in September were viewed over 55 million times.

Experts emphasize that the demand for the “Ticket to the Future” project has exceeded all expectations.

The early career guidance project, implemented in Sevastopol, has collected over 55 million views The early career guidance project, implemented in Sevastopol, has collected over 55 million views

In addition, Ivan Yesin shared that the country also successfully runs an extracurricular activity course “Russia – My Horizons”, where in weekly classes Russian schoolchildren and their parents learn about the prospects for the development of the labor market, about in-demand professions, about changes in the education system and about key projects in the country. Teachers from many regions of Russia also responded positively to the work of this course, who noted the high-quality and interesting material, as well as the easy-to-use lesson designer.

Let us remind you that schoolchildren from Sevastopol are also actively using the opportunities of the “Ticket to the Future” project. According to the regional operator of the federal project, Olga Anistratenko, even before the end of the first quarter of this academic year, in just a month, a record number of students expressed a desire to receive their “Ticket to the Future” — over 2,500 students.

Schoolchildren began to become more actively interested in the possibilities of the “Ticket to the Future” after the first innovative program “Professional Holidays”, where students tried themselves as dog handlers, photographers, news anchors and even learned to control unmanned aerial vehicles using VR equipmentsays Olga Anistratenko.

According to the specialist, the largest Sevastopol enterprises and organizations that are interested in training highly qualified personnel are also showing great interest in the federal project.

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In the near future, according to her, excursions to facilities will begin for children, where they will be introduced to some of the most in-demand and highly paid professions on the Sevastopol labor market.

Reference: The all-Russian project of early vocational guidance for schoolchildren “Ticket to the Future” has been implemented since 2018 in 89 regions of the country and the city of Baikonur on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and is included in the passport of the federal project “The Success of Every Child” of the national project “Education”. Since 2021, the project operator has been the Humanitarian Projects Foundation. Over two years, 2.9 million schoolchildren became participants in the “Ticket to the Future” project and more than 50,000 teachers entered the pool of project navigators. In September 2023, on the basis of the “Ticket to the Future”, the Ministry of Education of Russia is introducing a unified model of career guidance for students in all Russian schools — a career guidance minimum (professional minimum) for schoolchildren in grades 6–11, including children with disabilities and disabilities. All schoolchildren in Russia, every Thursday of the school year, will study the career guidance course “Russia — My Horizons,” which is implemented as an extracurricular activity of the minimum career guidance. Digital platform of the project:

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