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The fire season continues: employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Sevastopol remind about safety rules

The fire season continues: employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Sevastopol remind about safety rules

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Summer is over — however, the risk of vegetation fires in our region does not disappear with the last August page of the calendar. Often, Sevastopol residents manage to wait for stable cool weather and heavy rainfall only in late autumn. The fire season in the Sevastopol region usually ends no earlier than November.

That is why in Sevastopol the comprehensive work on the prevention of fires in forests, in other natural areas, as well as in adjacent areas of dacha development, does not stop. Systematic raids in residential areas bordering the forest belt are carried out by employees of the supervisory authority of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the city of Sevastopol. The goal is to determine whether the safety requirements due to the special fire regime are not violated. In addition, attention is paid to explanatory work with citizens. So, regular preventive talks were held in horticultural associations at Cape Fiolent. Department specialists reminded residents and guests of the city about fire safety rules in natural areas and about emergency numbers, — noted in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Sevastopol.

The fire season continues: employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Sevastopol remind about safety rules The fire season continues: employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Sevastopol remind about safety rules

Comprehensive fire prevention work in Sevastopol continues. After all, it is sometimes very difficult to overcome the fiery element — it is much easier and more correct to do everything in order to prevent trouble. Largely due to preventive measures, in 2023 the number of wildfires in our region decreased: 2 such cases were registered, and at the same time last year there were 10.

source: press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Sevastopol

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