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The government of Crimea discussed the topic of creating an art residence in Simferopol

The government of Crimea discussed the topic of creating an art residence in Simferopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Prime Minister of Crimea Yuri Gotsanyuk held a working meeting with Deputy General Director for Capital Construction and Infrastructure Development of the Tavrida Art Cluster Vitaly Petrunin.

We discussed the prospects for creating an art residence in Simferopol and on the territory of other municipalities of the Republic of Crimea. Major repairs and equipment of the first Crimean art residence of the Tavrida art cluster are being completed in Sudak. The new creative space includes gallery space for art exhibitions, lecture and choreography rooms, studios and creative workshops, a library and a free space for collaboration. Soon cultural events will be held here: film screenings, theatrical performances, concerts and interactive programs,” Yuri Gotsanyuk summed up the meeting.

According to the Prime Minister of Crimea, the participation of the Republic in the All-Russian competition for comprehensive development of youth policy programs “Region for the Young” and the installation of the necessary engineering networks on the territory of the art cluster in Kapsel Bay were also discussed.

Supported the initiative of the ANO “Center for the Development of Cultural Initiatives” to create a content center on the territory of the Meganom Academy — an open area for natural filming, a film set park, a pavilion complex and a number of parking lots,” noted Yuri Gotsanyuk.

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