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The government of Sevastopol reviewed the results of public discussions of the city master plan

The government of Sevastopol reviewed the results of public discussions of the city master plan

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The draft general plan of Sevastopol was approved by the city planning council at the end of November. Public discussions began on January 19. In two weeks (according to the city government), more than 4,500 people visited the exhibition, and more than 3,300 proposals were received. Most of the questions related to which functional zones belong to land plots or capital construction projects belonging to Sevastopol residents.

Several issues regarding the general plan that aroused the greatest attention of Sevastopol residents were listed by Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev:

Heracles rockade and tunnel under Sevastopol Bay. These largest objects are included in the general plan and, of course, people are worried whether the construction will affect their homes. The main thing: we are not yet starting to implement the project — this is not a project of the near future, we are working on including it in federal programs. The specifics can be discussed at the design stage. Of course, traces will be selected taking into account minimal withdrawals.

In the Kachinsky and Gagarinsky municipalities, as well as in Sugar Head and Inkerman, people are concerned that the Ministry of Defense has established restrictions on their land plots from defense and security facilities.

For obvious reasons, we will not publicly consider all the nuances. At this stage, I want to reassure everyone and assure that the establishment of such zones is not a basis for deprivation of rights to both land plots and the use of real estate located on them. We will substantively discuss these zones and all relevant restrictions with the Ministry of Defense when agreeing on the general plannoted Razvozhaev.

Many requests have been received regarding the use of the territory of Yukharinaya Balka, where DOSAAF leases land from the city.

The developers of the master plan proposed organizing a residential development zone here in the future, since houses have already been built around it and, according to sanitary standards, there cannot be an airfield here. At the same time, no one will stop DOSAAF activities in this territory. And the proposal itself will be discussed by members of the commission for preparing the draft general plan — they will determine under what conditions its implementation is possible,” commented the head of the city.

There have also been many proposals to transfer land plots located in the Baydar Valley from an agricultural use zone to a zone for individual housing construction by expanding the boundaries of settlements.

In general, the principle is this: further chaotic development cannot be allowed, taking into account the uniqueness of these places and the recreational significance of specially protected natural areas. At the same time, the development of settlements where this is possible (or has actually already happened) should be subject to the availability of all the necessary communal resources. Everyone who left such proposals will be invited to a commission, whose members will consider such issues individually, taking into account all the features of the use of the territory,” Mikhail Razvozhaev clarified.

According to him, a protocol based on the results of public discussions will be prepared by February 8, then a conclusion will appear on the website of the Department of Architecture, after which a commission to prepare the draft Master Plan will begin work, consisting of heads of executive bodies of Sevastopol, representatives of the city Legislative Assembly and heads of municipalities. It will consider all comments and suggestions received. Based on the decisions of the commission, the developers will finalize the draft general plan, after which the final document will be presented to the Legislative Assembly.

As I already said, we expect to approve the general plan by the summer“, summarized the governor of Sevastopol.

The government of Sevastopol reviewed the results of public discussions of the city master plan

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