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The Governor of Sevastopol commented on the situation with fuel prices in the city

The Governor of Sevastopol commented on the situation with fuel prices in the city

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The issue of fuel prices, which residents of Sevastopol have repeatedly addressed to the authorities, was commented on live on the STV channel by Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev. He noted that he worked together with the head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov to solve this problem.

First of all, our President puzzled the Government with this problem, because it was clear that the situation had already gone a little beyond all acceptable limits, the price was going up very sharply. Our first task was to overcome the shortage, to establish logistics so that fuel supplies would still be synchronized. The second challenge is price. Obviously, Crimeans and Sevastopol residents could not help but notice that beyond the Crimean Bridge, in the Krasnodar Territory, prices were several rubles lower than in Crimea and Sevastopol,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Mikhail Razvozhaev.

To saturate the domestic market and stabilize fuel prices, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to limit the export of gasoline and diesel fuel from Russia, as well as other measures. The governor of Sevastopol noted that after these decisions, the price of fuel on the stock exchange began to decline, but those batches that were purchased earlier, at a high price, have not even reached the peninsula yet — gas stations will need to cover the costs already incurred in any case, that is, Don’t reduce prices for a while. But the issue needs to be resolved quickly, Mikhail Razvozhaev emphasized.

We can wait from a month to two for the delivery of cheap new gasoline to finally begin. Therefore, Sergei Valerievich and I addressed the President with a request to provide assistance in harmonizing prices, at least at the level of the mainland — the Krasnodar Territory. The President gave instructions to Alexander Valentinovich Novak and the Ministry of Finance to develop a short-term compensation mechanism. We must give a subsidy, thanks to which we can compensate our gas stations for the difference in price— said the head of the city.

The Russian Government is finalizing the necessary tools. When the regions receive subsidies, the funds will be sent to gas station networks, and they will be able to reduce the price of fuel for Sevastopol residents.

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source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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