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The Governor of Sevastopol gave a number of instructions in response to citizens' requests

The Governor of Sevastopol gave a number of instructions in response to citizens' requests

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At a staff meeting in the Government of Sevastopol, chaired by Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, work on requests from Sevastopol residents, which were recorded by the Regional Control Center, was discussed.

Some of the most frequently received questions this week were complaints about untimely tree pruning and mowing of flowering ragweed. Acting Deputy Governor Yevgeny Gorlov noted that he would work on all requests.

A question about the alleged mass dismissal of medical personnel from the infectious diseases hospital has caused a great stir in social networks. You have commented on the situation that has already developed, but it is necessary to meet with the team, sort it out and report to me separately— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the governor.

Deputy Governor Alexander Kulagin reported that the response to the messages that appeared online was immediate.

I have been in the chief physician’s office since early morning. The epidemiological situation in the city is now stable, so the workload on medical personnel has dropped sharply — this has recently especially clearly affected the intensive care unit, where staff restructuring is currently underway. On your instructions, I will meet with the team today— notes Alexander Kulagin.

Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev noted that resuscitators in Sevastopol are worth their weight in gold, and in general, we cannot allow a loss of personnel.

If there is currently no such demand for specialists in the infectious diseases hospital, it is necessary to look and redistribute specialists to other hospitals. It is impossible to lose specialists because the workload at the infectious diseases hospital has decreased. Therefore, it is necessary to meet with doctors and individually talk to those specialists who have questions. It is necessary to offer other places for employment in medical institutions where they will receive appropriate wages.— said Mikhail Razvozhaev.

Let us remind you that you can ask questions or write about the problem on the social networks of the Government of Sevastopol and on the official Telegram channel:

Find out more:  Участники форума «Истоки» — «Гармония» побывали на экскурсии в Херсонесе Таврическом

In addition, messages on any topic are accepted on the official pages of department heads, deputy governors and the head of the city Mikhail Razvozhaev on social networks and Telegram, as well as on the platform «Gosuslugi. Let’s decide together» — the service can be used through a widget on VKontakte, an application or website.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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