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The governor of Sevastopol spoke about the results of the summer health campaign

The governor of Sevastopol spoke about the results of the summer health campaign

CrimeaPRESS reports:

7,585 children spent their holidays in the camps.

Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev in videoconferencing mode reported To Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova the results of the summer health campaign. According to him, 7,585 children attended health camps this year. Of this number, 1,186 boys and girls are children of SVO participants; all applications from such families were satisfied.

Separately, I would like to thank Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova, the Federation Council and personally Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, as well as the Ministry of Education for the program to create additional placements. This year we took part in a pilot project, received funds for three modular buildings for the Gorny camp — thanks to this program, more than 600 additional children received the opportunity to go to the camp, and we, in turn, carried out landscaping of the territory.

We also held thematic sessions, including “Eaglets of Russia” and “Movement of the First,” more than 700 children took part in them. I can’t help but say about the counselors: our Northern State University prepares them, they help the guys with summer career guidance. At the end of the year we will have a final meeting of the State Council, where we will sum up the results of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor. Counselors in children’s camps are just mentors for the children; invited my colleagues to discuss issues of stimulating counselors at the meetingsaid Razvozhaev.

The governor of Sevastopol spoke about the results of the summer health campaign

He also recalled that in addition to health improvement, work practice for children was introduced in Sevastopol, and it is gaining momentum year by year — the children in the governor’s school labor teams worked in the city and at city enterprises in the summer. This is also an important project for Sevastopol.

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