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The head of the SBU revealed the details of last year's terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge. Boasts: personally, they say, he cooked

The head of the SBU revealed the details of last year's terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge. Boasts: personally, they say, he cooked

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The head of the SBU, Vasily Malyuk, said that he personally prepared the first terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge in 2022. He told about this in an interview with the Ukrainian edition. «new time».

On October 8, 2022, a mined truck exploded on the Crimean bridge. The roadbed was damaged, the tanks of a freight train, passing at that moment on the bridge, caught fire. Five people were killed: the driver of the truck, as well as the driver and three passengers of a car that was driving nearby.

Previously the same Malyuk acknowledgedthat the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge in 2022 was the work of his «office», now it’s time for «details». According to him, he personally and two of his trusted employees were involved in the development and implementation of the terrorist attack. The idea to undermine the Crimean bridge in the SBU has been nurturing since the spring of 2022. At the same time, various options were considered, but they settled on a truck with explosives.

It was important that camouflaged explosives could travel from point A to point B. At the same time, be sure to cross the Kerch bridgeMaluk said.

The head of the SBU added that for the attack, metal core cylinders filled with a mixture of hexogen and wrapped with cellophane film were used to hide the contents of the cargo from customs scanners. According to him, in order to carry out the terrorist attack, the Armed Forces of Ukraine developed a special system to bypass electronic warfare, capable of knocking down GPS coordinates on explosive devices. The total power of the bomb corresponded to 21 tons of TNT. The truck was blown up remotely in the middle of the bridge.

He noted that the Western intelligence services did not participate in this, and the Russians, who were involved in the transit of explosives, were used «in the dark.»

We went through seven circles of hell, used so many people in the dark— concluded the head of the SBU.

Well, here’s the corpus delicti and the «frank confession».

Photo: VK, Kerch Bridge

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