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The Kerchanin made illegal money for himself by registering foreigners in his apartment

The Kerchanin made illegal money for himself by registering foreigners in his apartment

CrimeaPRESS reports:

As a result, I lost more than I “earned.”

In Kerch, a local resident was convicted for fictitiously registering 19 foreigners in his apartment.

The Kerch City Court pronounced a verdict in a criminal case against a local resident. He was found guilty under Art. 322.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fictitious registration of a foreign citizen at the place of stay in the Russian Federation). The court found that during 2023 the man handed over signed notifications of the arrival of foreign citizens indicating the place of registration at his registration address, while the latter did not live at the specified address— the prosecutor’s office gave details.

Thus, the convict fictitiously registered 19 citizens at his place of registration. The man received financial rewards for his illegal actions.

For this crime, the court, taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, sentenced the perpetrator to a fine. The sentence did not enter into legal force.

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