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The “landscape” fire in the mountains of the Balaklava region took half a day to extinguish

The “landscape” fire in the mountains of the Balaklava region took half a day to extinguish

CrimeaPRESS reports:

This morning (at 9:00) the operator on duty at the Sevastopol Rescue Service received a message about a “landscape” fire in the area of ​​Mount First Parus (Balaklava district, Orlinovsky municipal district).

The duty shifts of the search and rescue units «Yug» and «Balaklava» went to the scene of the incident. Together with Forestry staff, rescuers extinguished the fire.— reported the emergency department.

Work on difficult rocky areas ended at 15:37. The “landscape” fire has been completely extinguished. Its reasons are determined by experts.

Social networks also added a touch to the “portrait” of this fire — read HERE.

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