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The Ministry of Agriculture sees no reason for sharp fluctuations in prices for watermelons and melons

The Ministry of Agriculture sees no reason for sharp fluctuations in prices for watermelons and melons

CrimeaPRESS reports:

There are no grounds for sharp fluctuations in prices for Russian watermelons and melons, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation reported.

There is no reason for sharp fluctuations in prices for Russian watermelons and melonssays in message.

According to the ministry’s forecasts, in 2024 the harvest of melons and melons in the organized sector will be about 652 thousand tons, which is slightly higher than the previous season.

It is noted that the traditional leader in their production in Russia is the Astrakhan region — more than 40% of the total volume. In 2024, the area under watermelons and melons in the region has not increased.

Return frosts did not affect the Astrakhan region, and a reliable irrigation system saves the fields from droughtsay the Ministry of Agriculture.

In addition, the main producers of melons and melons include the Volgograd, Saratov, Rostov, Kherson regions, Krasnodar Territory, the Republics of Dagestan and Crimea, as well as the Chechen Republic. In these regions, weather conditions also did not affect the formation of the harvest,” the ministry’s statement adds.

Previously Telegram channel Mash reported that watermelons and melons from Rostov, Volgograd and Astrakhan will rise in price by at least 15% in the summer due to abnormally hot weather and lack of rain.

source: TASS

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