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The Ministry of Economic Development named the most popular service in the MFC

The Ministry of Economic Development named the most popular service in the MFC

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The most popular service among Russians in the MFC «My Documents» in the first half of 2024 was registration of property rights to real estate. This was reported in an interview «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexey Khersontsev reported.

We recorded 8.6 million requests — exactly a third of the total number of requests for all services, — he said.

The next most popular services among the population were registration at the place of residence — 3 million requests (10.8%), obtaining information about real estate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate — 2.2 million (8.4%) and migration registration — 1.7 million (6.4%).

source: «Rossiyskaya Gazeta»

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