The Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea: Contrary to sanctions and other external factors, Crimea is developing confidently
Krympress reports:
At a workshop on the issues of socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea, the results of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea for 2024 were summed up and determined the goals and objectives for perspective.
In his opening word, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea — Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea Irina Kiviko, noted the achievements of the republic over the past year.
The coordinated work of the Government of the Republic of Crimea and all authorities made it possible promptly, in a short time to effectively solve problems in the economy and social sphere, to change the life of Crimeans for the better. Contrary to sanctions and other external factors, Crimea is developing confidently. The volume of GRP in 2024 will exceed 768 billion rubles, the pace will be 100%. Next year, we expect an increase in the economy of the republic at the level of 2.5 — 3% annually— notes Irina Kiviko.
The Deputy Prime Minister also noted the main positive indicators. So, the budget’s own revenues for 2024 increased by 28.6%, more than 132.3 billion rubles were received. tax and non -tax payments.
In the industry, the volume of shipped goods exceeded last year by 13.7%.
The volume of housing construction is increased. 1 million 240 thousand square meters introduced. meters of housing, including multi -apartment — 330 thousand square meters. meters (growth of 4.4%).
The state provides significant assistance in the development of the agro -industrial complex. In 2024, the volume of support amounted to almost 2.9 billion rubles. As a result, the production of livestock products is increased by 5.3% and this is against the background of the arid summer. In farms of all categories, meat production is increased by 11.8% — this is the best indicator among the subjects of the Southern Federal District. A good grape crop is harvested — 123 thousand tons, which is 6.8% more than in 2023.
Despite everything, Crimea remains one of the most popular areas for relaxation and healing. Over the past year, more than 6 million tourists came to the republic, which is 16.3% more than in 2023.
Consumer demand is steadily increasing, retail trade turnover increased by 8.6% and amounted to 474.2 billion rubles. This was facilitated by the growth of wages by 16.2% (in 2024, its size amounted to 54,436 rubles). In general, real incomes of the population (taking into account inflation) over the year increased by 7.4%— said Irina Kiviko.
Employment of the population contributes to the development of small and medium -sized enterprises; in the Republic of Crimea, a number of support measures such as preferential financing, grant support and many other types are being implemented.
The issue of investment policy earned special attention.
One of the main measures to reduce the influence of sanctions is to create a favorable investment climate. The Ministry carried out a lot of work to maintain the investment attractiveness of the republic in a difficult period, new mechanisms for supporting entrepreneurship and interaction with business were found. System work is underway with municipalities to search for new investment sites-notes the Deputy Prime Minister.
Source: According to the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea
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