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The Ministry of Internal Affairs warns of a phishing newsletter in Telegram about fake social payments on «public services»

The Ministry of Internal Affairs warns of a phishing newsletter in Telegram about fake social payments on «public services»

Krympress reports:

Fraudsters make a phishing mailing message to Telegram allegedly about the start of submitting applications for a new social payment in connection with inflation last year, the Office for the Organization for the Control of the Unlawful use of the information and communication technology (UBK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in a telegram channel.

The message of the scammers is a fake page of “public services”, which speaks of the possibility of applying for a new social payment of 14 thousand rubles. “A new round of phishing mailings with fake social payments in Telegram. In this situation, links are filed to sites advertising various fraudulent investment projects, illegal casinos and other phishing resources— said in a message from the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Fishing attacks, disguised as social benefits, are becoming more sophisticated, notes the member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, the Federal Coordinator of the Digital Russia party project Anton Nemkin.

The use of Telegram as a channel for the distribution of fake messages is not surprising — the messenger provides fraudsters with a wide audience and minimal barriers for mass mailing. In this case, attackers create fake pages of “public services”, convincing citizens of the plausibility of proposals, which increases the likelihood of successful deception— says the deputy.

The main goal of such attacks is the theft of personal data, such as logins, passwords and banking information. By clicking on the link and entering his data, the user passes them to scammers, who then can use them for financial theft or sale in a darknet. In addition, links in such messages often lead to resources advertising illegal financial schemes, which also poses a threat to users.

To protect against such threats, it is important to adhere to the rules of digital hygiene: not to follow the doubtful links, even if the message looks official, and always check the information on official sites. It is especially important to inform older relatives who may be at risk due to less experience in cybersecurity. The Ministry of Internal Affairs rightly recalls that the only reliable source of information about social benefits is official websites of state bodies— concluded the parliamentarian.

Source: press service of the State Duma deputy Anton Nemkina

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