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The number of serious and especially serious crimes has increased in Sevastopol

The number of serious and especially serious crimes has increased in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Sevastopol for nine months of 2023, reports «Sevastopol newspaper», the number of serious and especially serious crimes has increased. Compared to the same period last year, the increase was 16.3%.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a report on crime in Russia for three quarters of this year. In the country as a whole, crime decreased by 1.8% in January-September, and there were fewer deaths. But the statistics for Sevastopol are not encouraging yet.

Thus, the report states that 4,935 crimes were registered in Sevastopol during this period, the growth rate was 2.7%. Of these, 1,399 are grave and especially grave, which is 28.3% of all crimes. The overall detection rate reaches 53.5%, and for serious and especially serious cases — about 51%, that is, a little more than half.

There are also more remote and telephone scammers. The increase was almost 65%.

The number of crimes related to drug trafficking increased by 8.8%, and the number of pawnbrokers increased.

Children drink and commit crimes

This week, the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office held an interdepartmental meeting on the prevention of crime among teenagers. City Prosecutor Maxim Zhuk focused on the increase in the number of children brought to criminal charges. Over the 10 months of this year, teenagers committed 65 crimes. In every seventh case, the minor offender was intoxicated. 157 cases of unauthorized departure of children from families or social institutions were recorded.

At the same time, it was possible to achieve a 1.5% reduction in the number of crimes committed against children. The number of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors has decreased by half.

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M. Zhuk pointed out the inadequacy of measures taken by commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, educational institutions, guardianship and social protection authorities. He also demanded to strengthen the prevention of the involvement of minors in drinking alcohol.

source: «Sevastopol newspaper»

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