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The opening of the second stage of the Simferopol-Yevpatoriya-Mirny highway will reduce travel time to the western coast of Crimea

The opening of the second stage of the Simferopol-Yevpatoriya-Mirny highway will reduce travel time to the western coast of Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea together with the management of JSC «VAD» officially opened traffic on the Simferopol — Yevpatoriya — Mirny highway. Sergey Aksyonov noted the high technical level of the highway, which runs from the village of Skvortsovo to the city of Yevpatoriya bypassing Lake Sasyk-Sivash and the city of Saki.

Opening this section to traffic will significantly reduce travel time to the western coast of Crimea and increase the capacity of the route, unloading the street and road network in populated areas from transit transport. Previously, motorists had to stand in traffic jams for a long time. It took about an hour just to drive through Saki, but with the commissioning of the road this problem is solvedsaid the Head of the Republic, expressing confidence that motorists will be able to appreciate the quality and convenience of the new highway.

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