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The “Our Flag” campaign started in Sevastopol

The “Our Flag” campaign started in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The “Our Flag” campaign dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Russian Spring was launched in Sevastopol. Just like 10 years ago, the Russian flag has a special, deep meaning for us. This is a symbol of our common Victory, perseverance, and courage.

Thousands of people in 2014 openly expressed their civic position and desire to return to their native harbor, proudly carrying the tricolor in their hands. Today, in different parts of the city, people traditionally hung the flags of our country on their windows.

I have been carefully keeping the Russian flag since 2014 as a symbol of our common Victory and mooring to our permanent home port, our native harbor. Our balcony, decorated with the tricolor, was even shown on TV, and many neighbors joined in. This was a year of incredible unity of all Sevastopol residents, and now we must prove to the whole world that we, as before, are united in our desire to be with Russia and work for the good of our countrynotes Alexander, a resident of house No. 2 on Vakulenchuka Street.

The “Our Flag” campaign has just started, you can join it and remember what the Russian Spring was like 10 years ago by sharing photos of decorated windows on your personal pages on social networks with the hashtag #flagofRussia_windowsofSevastopol.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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