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The President called for an increase in the number of participants in projects to increase labor productivity

The President called for an increase in the number of participants in projects to increase labor productivity

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his address to the Federal Assembly, called for projects to increase labor productivity to be included in enterprises in non-resource sectors of the country’s economy.

By 2030, at least 40% of medium and large enterprises in basic non-resource sectors of the economy, including all social institutions, must be covered by projects to increase labor productivitysaid Vladimir Putin.

At the end of 2023, the Republic of Crimea exceeded the target indicators of the national project “Labor Productivity”. Since 2020, 43 enterprises have been involved in it, which were able to successfully implement it and ensure growth rates in practice.

Crimean enterprises received access to a professional retraining program for management personnel, financial and non-financial support measures, tax preferences, and assistance in exporting.

A good example: Krymplast is the largest industrial enterprise in the Republic, specializing in the production of electrical installation products, greenhouse polyethylene film, various high- and low-density polyethylene bags, and consumer goods. «Krymplast» is a participant in the national project «Labor Productivity».

Participation in the national project has a positive effect on both employees and products. It was possible to optimize key processes, thanks to which the quality and volumes of goods produced improved, without significantly increasing the workload on workers. I would also like to note that our company is actively developing in the direction of “Industrial Tourism”,” noted the head of the enterprise, Lyubov Kudenko.

Krymplast has big plans for the next three years — increasing labor productivity by no less than 5%, and over 3 years of participation in the national project — by 20%.

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