The Professionals Championship is held in Crimea
Krympress reports:
Today, the demand for specialists in all areas is very high. Personnel hunger is felt in many areas. Therefore, it is so important that this championship gives the children the opportunity to share their experience and adopt it from others, determine new development options for themselves, and most importantly, get acquainted with potential employers. We need promising and competent young personnel, those who offer new approaches and solutions for the further development of Crimea and the whole country. It is you that today are our driving force, those people who will promote and build the future of the state, -The press service quotes the head of the republic.
The head of Crimea also gave the parting words of young people to always strive for the better, constantly work on themselves, making maximum efforts.
It is necessary to surrender to work completely, seriously treat this process and put the soul into it. Do not be afraid of the difficulties arising in the way. Believe in your strength, love your parents and your homeland, and then you will succeed, ”the head of the republic notes.
The event was attended by the Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Valentina Lavrik, rector of the GBOUVO RK “Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov” Genghis Yakubov, heads of Crimean enterprises and organizations.
REFERENCE. The Professional Professional Championship is being implemented as part of the Federal Professor Project “Professor” of the National Project “Youth and Children” and is aimed at identifying and supporting talented, promising youth, and also contributes to further assistance in employment. In 2025, in the framework of the regional stage, 17 educational organizations will become venues for the competitions, more than 250 students and schoolchildren will demonstrate their professional skills in various competencies, including service at hospitality facilities, production, bakery, growing fish supply material, medical and social care, etc.
Source: Information and press service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea
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