The Republic of Crimea rose from 84th to 5th place in the national rating of the state of investment climate
Krympress reports:
According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the Republic of Crimea, which in 2016 took only 84 out of 85 in the national rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, took 5th place in 2024, increasing its result by 9.5 points (The rating of the state of the investment climate evaluates the efforts of the regional authorities to create favorable business conditions and reveals the best practices, and its results stimulate competition in the struggle for investments at the regional level).
The head of the Committee on Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship Oksana Dobrorez called the free economic zone one of the most effective tools to attract investments in the region’s economy and the sustainable socio-economic development of Crimea.
The following tax preferences are provided for the participants in the SEZ: for 10 years, the zero rate of income tax; exemption from payment of property tax for 10 years; Emergency of land tax for 3 years. Also, SEZ participants have the opportunity to get land plots in state or municipal property and necessary for the implementation of the investment project without tendering.
It was noted that today 1167 participants in the free economic zone are registered, which are implemented by more than 1276 investment projects in the republic. Almost 18% of investment projects are implemented in the field of industry. The minimum amount of investment on their projects amounted to about 248 billion rubles. Of these, more than 180 billion rubles are capital investments.
The Republic of Crimea also discusses the draft subject of the subject “On the development and support of family enterprises in the Republic of Crimea”.
The aim of the bill, according to Oksana Dyrezov, is to create the necessary legislative framework for the development of family entrepreneurship as the most important form of small business and private entrepreneurship, strengthening legal guarantees for family business.
Family entrepreneurship is a unique social and economic phenomenon that allows you to create a long -term business and is one of the most sustainable forms of manifestation of business activity. It makes it possible to engage in the whole family in one business, involve the youth into it, accustoming to work from early childhood, forms the relationship of mentoring, the continuity of generations, creates entrepreneurial dynasties, strengthens public foundations and traditions. Family enterprises are directly interested not only in the economic and socio-cultural development of the region with which they associate their future, but are also points of the long-term growth of the economy— said the parliamentarian.
Speaking about the plans of the Committee for the current year, Oksana Dandora noted among the main tasks to visit a number of industrial enterprises. According to her, communication directly with the leaders brings a positive result, since in this case the deputies can directly learn about problematic issues and quickly proceed to the decision.
Source: press service of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea
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