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The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in Sevastopol has determined the best link in the gas and smoke protection service

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in Sevastopol has determined the best link in the gas and smoke protection service

CrimeaPRESS reports:

During the review-competition, the best team of gas and smoke protection workers was determined by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Sevastopol. Seven teams demonstrated their skills: one from each fire and rescue unit of the Sevastopol emergency department and from the Sevastopol Rescue Service.

In the theoretical block of the competition, participants were tested on their knowledge of the characteristics of personal protective equipment, the rules of working in an unsuitable for breathing environment and the principles of labor protection. In practice, they overcame a series of tests that recreated working conditions during accidents at industrial enterprises. Leaving the emergency zone through a ventilation duct and passing through an entangled and cluttered niche were simulated. The panoramic windows of the firefighters’ masks were sealed — after all, in the event of such incidents, visibility is zero. Literally by touch, the units moved through the maze, found a conditional victim, rescued him and evacuated themselves from the second floor level— reported the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Sevastopol.

Another task of the competition was the provision of first aid and psychological support for conditional injuries.

gas and smoke protection service gas and smoke protection service gas and smoke protection service gas and smoke protection service gas and smoke protection service

All participants demonstrated good preparation and professionalism. The honorable third place in the competition went to the 5th fire and rescue unit, silver went to the 6th unit, the best results were shown by the personnel of the 3rd fire and rescue unit. In the near future, the winners will represent Sevastopol in the program of the review-competition of gas and smoke protection workers at the level of the Southern Federal District.

source: press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Sevastopol

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