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The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has taken up the protection of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins.

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has taken up the protection of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins.

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office proposed including Black Sea bottlenose dolphins and some other endangered marine mammals in the list of especially valuable wild animals, the prey of which would result in criminal liability. This was reported by the press service of the supervisory agency.

In the Republics of Crimea, Tatarstan, the Chechen Republic, Krasnodar, Primorsky Territories, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod Regions, the cities of Sevastopol and Moscow, facts of unlicensed keeping of cetaceans and pinnipeds of marine animals, failure to ensure proper control over the state of health, quality of water, food and their habitat were suppressedsays the statement from the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation.

It is emphasized that, in cooperation with interested departments, work is currently being carried out to improve the procedure for protecting rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia took the initiative to include the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin and other species of the Red Book of marine mammals in the list of especially valuable wild animals and aquatic biological resources, responsibility for the extraction and smuggling of which is established by criminal lawnoted the supervisory agency.

More details at website Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia.

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