The Russians will have to treat animals better. Rules for dog and cat breeders are being prepared
CrimeaPRESS reports:
Dog and cat breeders will have to follow the rules that the government will write for them. As reported in the State Duma, the Ministry of Natural Resources has already supported such a bill. Next in line are fines for those who call for the killing of homeless animals and publish recipes for poisons suitable for this. About what other initiatives regarding dogs and cats are going to be submitted to the State Duma and how the law works, giving the regions the right to regulate the number of four-legged vagrants in their own way, he said in an interview. «Parliamentary newspaper» First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Vladimir Burmatov.
— Vladimir Vladimirovich, the media wrote that you sent a draft law to the Government for approval, which will oblige breeders of dogs and cats to register, vaccinate animals sold, and also pay taxes on their activities …
— Not certainly in that way. The text of the bill states that the Government will be empowered to regulate the breeding of animals. And how exactly, will be specified in the by-law.
— At a meeting in the State Duma in May, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Svetlana Radchenko agreed that we need to think about how to regulate this area. It turns out that the Ministry of Natural Resources reacted positively to the idea?
— The text of the amendment was agreed with the Ministry of Natural Resources when we wanted to adopt it in one package with other amendments that related to the regulation of the number of stray animals. But we decided not to mix these two topics, but to make a separate bill regulating the breeding of domestic animals. So, of course, they supported. Moreover, the Government was instructed to regulate this area two years ago.
— You also proposed to introduce liability for the promotion of cruelty to animals. What will be the amendments? When do you plan to submit them to the State Duma?
— We propose to introduce liability for the demonstration of violence against animals and calls for cruelty to them. These are not only the so-called trash streams, when animals are abused on social networks, live broadcasts, but also dog hunter groups, where they publish calls for reprisals against them and recommendations for the manufacture of poisons, means of killing animals. We offer fines up to 100 thousand rubles. Maybe there will be adjustments, we’ll see.
We plan to send the draft law to the Government by the end of August in order to enlist support in the autumn session and submit it to the State Duma. Of course, we count on support. We suggested this even when we were discussing changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding liability for discarded animals, for violations in circuses, zoos, and so on. Such norms were introduced, but they did not manage to include responsibility for promoting cruelty and confiscation of animals. We will deal with this separately.
— By the way, about the confiscation — you suggested taking away pets from flayers and people who give birth to wild animals prohibited from keeping at home, for example, tiger cubs, cubs or cougars. Is the bill ready?
— It’s harder with him. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered before it can be introduced. Therefore, we want to start by making it easier to confiscate animals from those who illegally keep wild animals in private homes and apartments, such as beach photographers who do business with animals. If this is successful, we will work on the issue further.
— At the end of July, a law came into force that gave the regions the authority to regulate the number of homeless animals in their own way. How did the regions start using them? Animal rights activists feared that he would allow dogs to be killed.
“I think the law is justified. We do not have a single scandal, not a single case of someone introducing the wrong norms. Yes, from time to time in the regions there are inadequate statements — individual mayors or other officials allow themselves at the level of rhetoric, but in fact this does not result in violations. On the contrary, they are getting smaller.
I will give three regions as an example of different approaches. As a positive — the Moscow region, where animal registration has been introduced since September. How long would the region wait until this system is done at the federal level? Until the end of time. And so we gave the opportunity to do it ourselves, and the region took advantage of it.
As examples of attempts to abuse powers, I can cite the Chelyabinsk and Ivanovo regions, where they failed to read the law correctly and tried to impose a ban on feeding animals and the interaction of volunteers with them. The prosecutor’s office immediately reacted — and everything was canceled. Because the position of the prosecutor’s office coincides with ours — this is contrary to the federal law on the responsible treatment of animals.
— What else are you planning?
“It is also important to tackle the ban on FGM. We are talking about the removal of animals’ vocal cords, continuous tattooing and the so-called “soft paws” operation, when cats cut their claws along with the first phalanges of their fingers. I hope that in the autumn session we will come up with the Government on the text of the bill that would suit everyone. In principle, no one is against it, but there are a lot of legal comments on the wording proposed by the Moscow City Duma. We will work on this issue.
source: «Parliamentary newspaper»
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