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The Sevastopol prosecutor's office supported the city budget for 2025 and the planning period 2026-2027.

The Sevastopol prosecutor's office supported the city budget for 2025 and the planning period 2026-2027.

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 5, 2024, the prosecutor of the city of Sevastopol, Andrey Shevtsov, took part in the plenary session of the 1st session of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol of the 3rd convocation, speaking with the main theses of the prosecutor’s office’s conclusion on the bill on the budget of the city of Sevastopol for 2025 and the planning period of 2026 and 2027.

Andrei Shevtsov emphasized that in the current budget year, the tasks that were noted by the prosecutor’s office in the conclusion when adopting last year’s budget have been partially resolved. At the same time, some important socio-economic issues in Sevastopol remain relevant, and in his speech the city prosecutor drew the attention of deputies to them. In particular, he focused on the need to continue and intensify work to provide housing for orphans, fulfill obligations to provide land plots to participants in a special military operation, resettle citizens from emergency housing, carry out repairs of hydraulic structures and major repairs of apartment buildings, including which are objects of cultural heritage, and in some other areas, — reported the press service of the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office.

In general, the prosecutor’s office supported the budget bill. It was adopted by deputies in the first reading by a majority vote. There is a deadline for making amendments.

source: press service of the prosecutor’s office of the city of Sevastopol

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