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The Simferopol — Dzhankoy highway will be repaired, but there are some nuances

The Simferopol — Dzhankoy highway will be repaired, but there are some nuances

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The condition of the Simferopol — Dzhankoy highway (popularly Moskovskaya) causes many complaints from drivers. The road was badly damaged by heavy trucks. Repair is just around the corner… But for now it’s patchy. As soon as the highway is transferred to federal jurisdiction (Rosavtodor), there will be major repairs and reconstruction. The Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov spoke about this.

The passability of the section of the Simferopol — Dzhankoy highway will be ensured: pothole repairs will be carried out on an ongoing basis. In the future, this road will be transferred to federal ownership, and it is expected to be completely reconstructed,” Aksyonov noted.

He clarified that a fundamental decision to carry out major repairs has already been made. «

Now the calculation is underway: in the two-lane version — 100%, the second option — in the four-lane version will be repaired. We will provide dates for repairs soon.said the Head of Crimea.

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