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The State Duma offers to extinguish a mortgage to large families at the expense of the budget

The State Duma offers to extinguish a mortgage to large families at the expense of the budget

Krympress reports:

The State Duma offered at the expense of the budget to extinguish up to 75% of mortgage debt for families with three children and up to 100% — for families with four or more children. MP Nina Ostanina made an appropriate initiative.

The bill also provides for benefits for young families. If the document is adopted, the state will pay off 10% of the amount of mortgage debt at the birth or adoption of one child and 20% — at the birth or adoption of the second.

The managing director of the company Metrium Ruslan Syrtsov, in a conversation with Cyan. Zhurnal, noted that the repayment of a mortgage to large families will be a useful initiative that stimulates the housing market, «because families with a large number of children are most in need of new apartments.»

For the budget, this measure of support will hardly be too costly. Major in the Russian Federation includes 2.4 million families, which make up only 10% of the total number of families with children, — notes the specialist.

The speaker emphasized that large families are a very heterogeneous group of population in terms of income.

About 30% of them belong to the poor, so they can hardly afford to get a mortgage in order to then extinguish it as part of the state program. At the same time, large families are partially characteristic of rich Russians who usually do not need housing and are not oriented towards state support programs. Accordingly, the real number of potential participants is not so large that for the budget such subsidies would be costly— concluded Ruslan Syrtsov.

The mortgage expert Julia Anisimova drew attention to the fact that only families who are entitled to preferential mortgage lending will be able to use the support measure, if the bill is adopted.

In the initiative there is no clarification regarding the freshness of the loan — a mortgage can be issued earlier or after the bill is adopted. I think the document requires great refinement, while it raises many questions, for this reason it is impossible to evaluate the future load on the budget— she shared.

Optima Development Commercial Director Dmitry Golev believes that the initiative does not look realistic in the current economic conditions.

The Russian state continues to be social, but still many measures of support for the population have been forced to curtail in recent years. And it is almost impossible to imagine the implementation of such an expensive initiative as complete subsidizing loans to large families. Today in Russia there are 2.65 million of them. If even 1 million of them decide to arrange a family mortgage for housing with an average cost of 10 million rubles, then the state’s costs to repay loans will amount to 48 billion rubles— counted the speaker.

The expert emphasized that this is a small part of the expenses, because the authorities should also subsidize the difference between key and preferential rates, which is much more expensive.

Thus, the budget costs of a new initiative would exceed 1 trillion rubles per year. Of course, in the near future, it is difficult to imagine this, no matter how priority the demographic question is for Russia. In addition, the state already supports large families a lot, so, as a rule, for them, housing loans are not too burdensome. It is much more important to create conditions for raising income in large families, and to subsidize only those that were in difficult life situations— summed up Dmitry Golev.

source: CYANOGEN

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