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The third labor semester of student teams has opened in the Republic of Crimea

The third labor semester of student teams has opened in the Republic of Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On May 23, a gala concert was held in Crimea to mark the opening of the third labor semester of student teams of the Republic of Crimea. Since 2015, student teams have been leaving for the summer work from the walls of their educational institutions.

You are the ones our youth should look up to. You are not afraid of work, work and are ready to develop both for yourself and for the sake of those people who are next to you. For the sake of your educational institution, locality, hometown, republic and our country. Good luck to you, strength and a good working semester. Your work is really cool! — notes Chairman of the State Committee for Youth Policy of the Republic of Crimea Alexey Zinchenko.

Student teams of the Republic of Crimea were actively preparing for work, undergoing professional training, at the end of which students pass exams. Based on the results of certification, students received state certificates. sample. On-site training sessions were also organized in several areas.

I am entrusted with the honor on behalf of the rector of the Crimean Federal University to convey sincere words of gratitude, recognition and greetings to everyone associated with such a phrase as “work is cool.” On my own behalf, I will add that you are not only not afraid of work, you find it. There is a call of adventure in each of you — a call to find work. You truly are the pride of the university. Russian student groups are the only organization that has its own presidential decree, which is incredible support from the state. Crimean Federal University is always open to your initiatives, – says the Vice-Rector for Youth Policy of the Crimean Federal University them. V. I. Vernadsky Sergey Elkin.

The leadership of the Regional Headquarters of the Crimean Regional Branch of the RSO and the guests of honor presented the detachments with vouchers to work sites. From June 1, more than 2,000 students will go to work in leading enterprises in Crimea, on trains, in children’s health camps, in hospitality, construction, and as junior nurses.

We continue our joint work to strengthen and develop our Crimean regional branch of the Russian North Ossetia. New interesting projects await us this working semester. I am confident that with your passion, hard work and talent, we can achieve great things and make our region an even better place. Let this third working semester be filled with bright events, new knowledge and positive emotions! Let’s work together and move towards the goals we have set for ourselves.notes the commander of the Crimean regional branch, Vladimir Kaidansky.

The third labor semester of student teams has opened in the Republic of Crimea The third labor semester of student teams has opened in the Republic of Crimea The third labor semester of student teams has opened in the Republic of Crimea The third labor semester of student teams has opened in the Republic of Crimea

At the end of the event, everyone could get involved in the interesting tradition of Crimean student teams: toss a coin and make a wish for the summer of 2024, which will certainly come true.

Find out more:  Форум «Истоки» в Севастополе: панельная дискуссия «История семьи – история страны: почему важно знать историю»

source: information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the International Public Organization “Russian Student Teams”

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