According to Tourist portal of Crimeathe excursion “Zemstvo Doctors of Simferopol” will appeal to everyone who is interested in history and medicine. Participants will be told about the difficult fate of doctors who lived and worked in the Crimean capital. For example, about Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, known as St. Luke. He was an outstanding surgeon and theologian, archbishop and scientist, and received the Stalin Prize. His last parish was the Simferopol Holy Trinity Cathedral. The relics of the saint are there today.

Tourists will also be told about the life of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, the legendary doctor, founder of military field surgery and anesthesia. He was a Privy Councilor, a participant in the first defense of Sevastopol, and in Simferopol he worked in several hospitals, as evidenced by memorial plaques installed on the buildings.

In addition, during the excursion they will tell you about the senior doctor of the Saki mud baths, Yegor Leonidovich Miniatta, whose fate is also connected with the Crimean capital. In Simferopol, he was repeatedly elected as a member of the city duma, and headed the Tavrichesky department of the mutual aid medical fund. Chistovich, conducted a private medical practice. Thanks to him, the Simferopol Medical and Sanitary Laboratory was created.

Travelers will not only learn interesting facts about these outstanding people, but will also see buildings that housed medical institutions in past centuries, including the city’s first hospital. Tourists will also hear amazing healing stories and learn about unique treatment methods.notes Crimea Tourist Portal.

The walk starts at 10:00 and will last three hours. Cost: for adults – 500 rubles, for children – 250 rubles. You must register in advance to participate. Here.