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The Ukrainian Armed Forces hit Crimea with missiles and drones. The attack was repulsed, but civilians were killed

The Ukrainian Armed Forces hit Crimea with missiles and drones. The attack was repulsed, but civilians were killed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Late the night before (at about 11 p.m.), the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a missile strike on Crimea.

Over the past night, a number of attempts by the Kyiv regime to carry out terrorist attacks using American ATACMS operational-tactical missiles and aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation were stopped. On duty air defense systems, three ATACMS operational-tactical missiles were destroyed over the territory of the Republic of Crimea, two UAVs were destroyed over the territory of the Belgorod region. In the Black Sea, unmanned boats of the Ukrainian Navy were discovered heading towards the Crimean Peninsula. Three unmanned boats were destroyed from the standard weapons of the Black Sea Fleet naval aviationit says in a message from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Unfortunately, this time there were some “arrivals” and casualties.

As a result of a missile attack by the enemy on the peninsula in the Simferopol region, two bystanders were killed. I express my sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims. Also in the Alushta area, hits were recorded on an empty commercial property. Emergency Ministry employees are on site. I ask everyone to remain calm and trust only official informationclarified Head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov.

Here is a report from Izvestia “hot on the heels”, practically from the site of one of the “arrivals”. The same one where people died.

Experts say: the evening attack was again a combined attack. The enemy is persistently trying to create gaps in the defense of the air and coastal space of Crimea.

By nightfall, Crimea was again subjected to a combined attack. The enemy used up to 16 missiles, incl. ATACMS, some of them managed to get through our air defenses. The video captured arrivals in the Alushta area (the southern coast of the peninsula). In addition, two bystanders were killed in the Simferopol region. They also reported the use of UAVs by the enemy and the destruction by our aircraft of the MBEC near the western coast of Crimeawrites «Fisherman».

Meanwhile, Ukrainian public pages are full of videos from Crimea (they should be punished and punished again for filming the work of air defense), non-brothers rejoice over “something destroyed there” in Crimea. They haven’t even mentioned the dead civilians in Ukraine for a long time.

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