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The winner of the regional stage of the project «Mom-entrepreneur» in Sevastopol has been announced

The winner of the regional stage of the project «Mom-entrepreneur» in Sevastopol has been announced

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The regional stage of the project «Mom-entrepreneur» has been completed. Over the course of five days, at the site of the Sevastopol center «My Business», the participants of the educational program in the format of intensive trainings immersed themselves in the world of business, underwent training, developed and defended their own business projects.

The best project, according to the expert committee, received a grant of 100,000 rubles: the winner at the regional stage was Vera Leonchik, who presented the business project “Tasty Gingerbread”.

Congratulations to the winner of the regional stage of the educational project «Mom-entrepreneur». This year we received 54 applications for participation, based on the results of the submitted applications, 45 of them participated in the regional competition and defended their projects. This result indicates the growing interest of mothers in the development of entrepreneurship in Sevastopol— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the director of the Center «My Business» Natalia Borisova.

All participants of the «Mom-entrepreneur» project received valuable knowledge on how to effectively manage their time, develop marketing strategies, find new clients and develop their business. A number of mom-entrepreneurs of Sevastopol also received awards in the following nominations:

  • «Audience Award» — Marina Osyagina;
  • “The most striking performance” – Anna Danilenko;
  • “The most media project” – Angelina Mavrodi;
  • “Best Social Project” – Ekaterina Ganzha;
  • “The Best Financial Plan” – Lidiya Fedosova;
  • «Marketing Virtuoso» — Olga Efremova;
  • «Business Success» — Ksenia Shutova;
  • «My good business» — Olga Novozhenova;
  • «Creative Business» — Natalia Kochuk.
Find out more:  В Крыму анонсируют ежегодный бизнес-пикник

Prizes from a special partner track from the VKontakte company and certificates for 10,000 bonus rubles were awarded to:

  • Alexandra Grishina (organization of creative space for women);
  • Ksenia Eremina (joint organized recreation with pets);
  • Valeria Monakhova (popularization of women’s magazine).

The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project The winner of the regional stage of the project

Let us recall that the program was implemented with the personal support of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Tatyana Ilyushnikova within the framework of the national project “Small and Medium Entrepreneurship”.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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