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The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

CrimeaPRESS reports:

This is the first time such a competition has been held in Crimea.

The Crimean parliament awarded the winners of the school museum competition, which parliamentarians established this year. Moreover, a decision was made to hold it annually among educational institutions of the Republic.

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

According to the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov, “the main goal of the initiative is to give additional impetus to the development of school museums, push children to a deeper study of the history of their native land, and instill in the younger generation love and respect for their small homeland, Crimea and Russia.”

While visiting educational institutions during work trips, I was struck by the fact that the museums in them were not created formally; one could feel enthusiasm and life in them. Crimea has a large amount of historical memory, and the creation of such museums that do not have high technology, sometimes located even in the corridors of educational institutions, is exactly what our children need. The museums present exhibitions dedicated not only to the Great Patriotic War and post-war reconstruction, but also to the Civil War; they also reflect the history of modern Crimeanoted the speaker of the Crimean parliament, wishing all the laureates further creative success and victories.

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

A total of 202 applications from 155 schools and 4 institutions of secondary vocational education were received for the competition. The competition was held in four categories, each of which included more than 50 works.

The laureates received diplomas and cash prizes in two categories: “Aesthetics of the school museum” and “Search and research work of the school museum”: for 1st place — 500 thousand rubles, for 2nd place — 200 thousand rubles and 3rd place — 100 thousand rubles. The winners of the nominations “Best Head of a School Museum” and “Best Guide of a School Museum” were awarded valuable gifts.

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

Let’s list the winners.

In the category “Aesthetics of a school museum”:

  • I place — military-historical museum «Search» MBOU «Starokrymsky educational complex No. 1 «School-gymnasium» named after the partisan brothers Stoyanov» Kirov region;
  • II place — exemplary people’s museum of Military Glory of the 97th separate motorized assault engineer-sapper Kerch Order of the Red Star battalion of the 15th Guards separate motorized assault engineer-sapper Dresden battalion MBOU «School No. 11 named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze» of the city of Kerch;
  • III place — school museum of the creative heritage of V.I. Dal MBOU «Ivanovo Secondary School» of Nizhnegorsky district.
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The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

In the nomination “Search and research work of the school museum”:

  • I place — Museum of Military Glory of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution «Gymnasium named after. Andreeva N.R.” city ​​of Bakhchisarai.
  • II place — Museum of the History of Military and Labor Glory of the village of Konstantinovka MBOU «Konstantinovskaya School» of the Simferopol region.
  • III place – Museum of History and Local Lore of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Litvinenkovskaya Secondary School” of the Belogorsky District.

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

In the category “Best Director of a School Museum”:

  • I place – Svetlana Vladimirovna Byshuk – head of the museum “Family Heirloom. We remember. We are proud. We store» MBOU «Special correctional general education school for children with disabilities «Nadezhda» of the municipal formation of the city district of Simferopol;
  • 2nd place – Lyudmila Viktorovna Cheryomushkina, head of the “Native Land” museum, MBOU “Ilyinsk Secondary School named after Ivan Vasilyevich Maslov”, Saki district;
  • III place – Liliya Borisovna Parakhod, head of the Local History Museum of the Kumovskaya School named after the Knight of the Order of Courage D. Loshatetsky, Razdolnensky District and Elvina Railevna Minaeva, head of the room of military and labor glory “Respecting the past, we appreciate the present” of the Kalinin School named after M.K. . Chupilko» Krasnogvardeisky district.

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

In the category “Best School Museum Guide”:

  • I place — Reut Platon Sergeevich, activist of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. MBOU «Secondary school-kindergarten No. 17 of the city of Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea»;
  • II place — Efimenko Alexandra Aleksandrovna, Prosvirin Yan Alexandrovich, Leshchenko Angelina Vitalievna — activists of the Museum of the History of Livadia in the history of her school MBOU «Livadia Secondary School named after Hero of the Soviet Union P.A. Rassadkin» in the city of Yalta;
  • III place – Darina Maksimovna Dorofeeva, activist of the Museum of Partisan Glory MBOU “Secondary School No. 7 named after. A.V. Mokrousova with in-depth study of the English language» in the city of Simferopol.

The winners of the school museum competition were awarded in the Crimean parliament

Photos and materials: press service of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

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