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There are enough blood supplies in Sevastopol, but blood with a negative Rh factor is needed

There are enough blood supplies in Sevastopol, but blood with a negative Rh factor is needed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Despite the fact that there are enough blood supplies in the city, since Sunday many concerned citizens have been turning to the Sevastopol Blood Center for donation. The center staff thanks everyone who came to fulfill this noble mission.

We express our deep gratitude to all the residents of Sevastopol who came to donate today. The volumes of blood and its components necessary to ensure the functioning of the city’s medical institutions have been prepared— reported on the social network page of the Blood Center service.

At the same time, it is indicated that according to requests received from hospitals, there is a need for blood groups O(I), A(II), B(III), AB(IV) with a negative Rh factor.

Sevastopol on Sunday, June 23 was attacked by American-made ATACMS long-range missiles. Four shells were shot down, one “as a result of the impact of air defense systems” deviated from the flight path, its warhead exploded over the city. Cluster submunitions fell on beaches where people were relaxing. Four people were killed and 153 were injured.

source: «Sevastopol newspaper»

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