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There are no complaints about the beaches in the Black Sea region of Crimea

There are no complaints about the beaches in the Black Sea region of Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea continues monitoring beaches during the high resort season.

In the Chernomorsky district this year, 7 beach areas have been declared for operation: 5 in Olenevka, one each in Mezhvodnoye and Chernomorsky. Picturesque views and crystal clear water await vacationers at each one. And also sandy beaches with a smooth entry into the sea. Convenient for children and those who are not very confident in staying afloat.

The district administration, local businesses and beach users have done a great job of restoring infrastructure after last year’s devastating storm. Coastal areas are fully prepared to receive vacationers— the republican Ministry of Resorts reported.

Monitoring of the work of beaches continues in all resort regions of Crimea. Comments and suggestions on the work are accepted on the hotline of the Ministry of Resorts of the Republic of Crimea: 8 (800) 511-80-18.

There are no complaints about the beaches in the Black Sea region of Crimea

Photo: Ministry of Resorts of the Republic of Crimea

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