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There is no water shortage in the reservoirs feeding Simferopol and Sevastopol

There is no water shortage in the reservoirs feeding Simferopol and Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The main reservoirs feeding Simferopol and Sevastopol are full, there is no water shortage. About it TASS reported the head of the Crimean hydrometeorological center Tatyana Lyubetskaya.

Simferopol reservoir, its filling rate is 85.5%, Partizanskoye — 88.2%, Ayanskoye — 100%, Chernorechenskoye — 91.4%. These are the main reservoirs that feed Sevastopol and Simferopol. Enough water— said the specialist.

According to her, the reservoirs were replenished thanks to the snow that fell in the mountains and gradually melted. At the same time, Lyubetskaya noted that a dry period awaits Crimeans ahead, so water should be used carefully.

According to a review of the state of Crimean rivers in March 2024, which was published on Monday on the website of the Crimean Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, by the beginning of April the total total volume of water in reservoirs located in river beds amounted to 203.900 million cubic meters. , which is 0.324 million cubic meters. m less than in February.

It is noted that in March the precipitation that fell was unevenly distributed across the river basins. Positive temperatures contributed to the melting of snow residues in mountainous areas, due to which increased water availability was maintained in the river basins of the northern foothills. It turned out to be especially high in the middle and lower reaches of the main rivers Alma, Kacha, Belbek, and Biyuk-Karasu due to water discharges from reservoirs located in the upper reaches.

source: TASS

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