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This is what the jury decided: a verdict was passed in a case of attempted murder in Sevastopol

This is what the jury decided: a verdict was passed in a case of attempted murder in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

State prosecutors from the Sevastopol city prosecutor’s office and the Nakhimovsky district prosecutor’s office proved in court the guilt of a 36-year-old local resident in attempted murder.

The criminal case was considered by the Nakhimovsky District Court of Sevastopol with the participation of jurors. It was established that at the end of November 2022, in the evening near the garages in the area of ​​the Malakhov Kurgan public transport stop, while drinking alcohol together, a man quarreled with his acquaintance. A scuffle ensued, during which the attacker struck the victim in the neck with a stabbing and cutting object, and then left the scene. The victim could have died from bleeding, but a passerby who was nearby called an ambulance, thanks to which the man survived— the press service of the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office announced the details of the case.

The next day, the attacker was detained by law enforcement officers and then taken into custody.

The jury found the offender guilty, but deserving of leniency.

Taking into account the opinion of state prosecutors, the court sentenced him to 6 years of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony.

source: press service of the Sevastopol city prosecutor’s office

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