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Thousands of Crimeans have installed the application of the people's fight against drones

Thousands of Crimeans have installed the application of the people's fight against drones

CrimeaPRESS reports:

9639 Crimeans use the RADAR.NF application. The application allows you to report sightings of drones, explosions, missiles, unidentified suspicious objects and the activities of a sabotage and reconnaissance group.

All messages from RADAR are immediately transmitted for processing to responsible government officials. Citizens’ help in detecting aircraft is extremely important: the enemy’s weapons will be destroyed in a timely manner.

The idea of ​​the Popular Front was supported not only by the authorities of the Russian regions, but also by ordinary residents. With his help it was already possible in a timely manner. The most requests come from the Belgorod region, the Moscow region is in second place, Moscow is in third place, and the Rostov region and Crimea round out the top five regions with the largest number of requests.

The application can be installed in Rustor. IOS users can report what they saw through the chatbot of the CyberDruzhina project.

source: press service of the Popular Front in Crimea

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