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Three residents of Yevpatoria were detained for helping to deceive seven pensioners from the Saki region

Three residents of Yevpatoria were detained for helping to deceive seven pensioners from the Saki region

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Crimea, the duty station of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia «Saksky» within a few days received statements from seven residents of the Saksky district who fell for the tricks of scammers operating under the scheme «Your relative was in an accident.»

The attackers posed over the phone as law enforcement officers and convinced pensioners to hand over money to the courier under the pretext of not holding their loved ones accountable for allegedly causing road accidents, as well as to pay for treatment for the injured party. Already in a conversation with real police officers, almost all the victims said that they knew about such a deception scheme, but for some reason they still believed the scammers who played on feelings, and the pensioners did not question or verify the words of the callers. Criminal investigation officers identified three citizens who were directed by telephone scammers to the victims for money. All the defendants are residents of Yevpatoria: one of them, a 39-year-old man, had already been convicted, and the other two, aged 18 and 20, were not brought to criminal responsibility,” noted the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Crimea.

Criminal couriers were detained. Investigators seized two thousand euros and 560 thousand rubles from one of them, which will be returned to the victims by court decision.

In addition, in relation to one of the messengers, during the investigation, additional episodes were established in relation to elderly residents of another resort city.

The investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Saksky” has initiated criminal cases on all facts based on crimes under Part 2 and Part 3 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Police officers are establishing additional facts of illegal activities of the detainees.

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Anyone who has suffered from a similar scheme of scammers in the Saki district and the city of Evpatoria, please contact the Saki Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the address: Saki, st. Lenina, 27 or call the duty station 102, which is open 24 hours a day.

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