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Toretsk direction. Assault on New York and the threat to Toretsk. Map of the SVO

Toretsk direction. Assault on New York and the threat to Toretsk. Map of the SVO

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Toretskoye direction 08/02/24. today. Russian troops continue to successfully develop the offensive, increasing pressure on enemy positions. Yesterday, units of the Russian Armed Forces were able to break through enemy defenses in the center of Novgorodskoye (New York) and gain a foothold on the northern bank of the river. At the same time, they are advancing and enveloping enemy positions in the area of ​​the Artema mine waste heap in Zaliznoye (Zheleznoye), the loss of which will significantly weaken the enemy defense to the south. In Panteleimonovka, Russian units completed dislodging the enemy from the heights southeast of the settlement, which increases the threat of deep envelopment of the Toretsk group along the left bank of the Krivoy Torets River.

Toretskoye direction

Toretskoe direction. New York. Map of the North-Eastern Front

NY. SVO map

Russian troops advanced in the area of ​​the road to Ozaryanovka and entered the outskirts of Kirovo. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to regain lost positions, actively using drones and artillery, but to no avail. In the area of ​​the Mayorskaya railway station, Russian units occupied a pumping station and reached the outskirts of the village of Severnoye.

Russian troops are attacking towards the village of New York (Novgorodskoye), approaching its northern outskirts. They also managed to reach the southern end of the village of Alexandropol, supporting the offensive on New York. Counter battles are taking place in the eastern part of the settlement. Russian assault units are advancing towards the Novgorod Machine-Building Plant.

In the eastern part of this settlement, Druzhba, Russian troops have slightly expanded their zone of control.

These actions are accompanied by active support from artillery and aviation, which allows Russian troops to hold their positions and continue to put pressure on Ukrainian forces, which are limited in resources and forced to defend themselves in several directions simultaneously.

Summary of the SVO by fronts and directions as of August 2, 2024

Pokrovskoe direction

Russian troops have almost driven the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of the village of Timofeevka, continuing their advance toward Ivanovka. Timofeevka’s importance is due to its strategic location on the road connecting key directions. South of Progress, Russian troops have reached the outskirts of Zhelannoye and are consolidating their position in Sergeyevka.

Fighting is underway in Veseloye and on the outskirts of Sergeyevka. It is reported that, moving along the railway line, Russian troops have reached the rear of the key stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this area. Intense fighting continues in the Vozdvizhenka area, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are pulling reserves into Karlovka. The fighting here is particularly fierce, with heavy artillery and aviation involved. The dynamics of the Russian troops’ advance are reflected on the map:

Pokrovskoe direction. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

Pokrovskoe direction. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

South of the settlement of Progress, the settlement of Timofeyevka came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. The liberation of this settlement improves the tactical position of our troops and allows us to expand our influence on the adjacent territories.

Also noted is the advancement of our units in the forest belts to the northeast of the settlement Zhelannoye. West of the settlement Novoselovka, the first advance is hampered by a chain of defensive structures located at a height that has been erected since 1914.

Find out more:  Курское направление: Потери ВСУ растут. Карта СВО — 19 сентября

Kurakhovsky direction

In the Kurakhovsky direction, Russian assault units are advancing in Krasnogorovka, taking control of the area up to Engelsa Street. In the Pobeda area to the west of the village, the Russian Armed Forces are consolidating their positions despite enemy resistance, using attack drones and rocket artillery. In Konstantinovka, Russian troops are advancing in the northern and southern parts of the city, creating a threat of encirclement of the enemy garrison. In the rear, the Russian Aerospace Forces struck the Donbasskaya mine, where the enemy has taken up residence in a high-rise industrial building.

Artemovsk direction

Intense fighting continues in the Artemovsk direction. In Kleshcheyevka, the Russian Armed Forces achieved tactical success, establishing control over key positions. In Chasovoy Yar, Russian paratroopers have consolidated their positions in the first houses of the Novy microdistrict, despite enemy counterattacks and flanks being mined. The situation remains difficult, but the operational initiative is on the side of the Russian Armed Forces.

Seversky direction

In the Seversk direction, Russian paratroopers have recaptured positions near Pereyezdnoye from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukrainian forces are desperately trying to hold this village, which is important for the Russian army’s further offensive on Seversk. The heights near Vyemka are now under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, but due to the difficult terrain and lack of greenery, problems with securing the positions remain relevant.

Krasnolimanskoe direction

In the Krasnolimansk direction, local battles are taking place near Makeyevka, where Russian troops are trying to gain a foothold in the village. Fighting continues in the Serebryanskoye forestry, where the Russian Armed Forces are also trying to expand their positions. In the Kupyansk direction, Russian forces are fighting to advance from Peschanoye to the Oskol bank, having achieved local successes.

Kharkiv direction

Heavy fighting continues in Vovchansk in the Kharkov direction. Russian troops are advancing in multi-story buildings, recapturing individual positions from the enemy. Successful advancement of the Russian Armed Forces has also been recorded in the area of ​​Glubokoe. In the area of ​​Tikhoe, the Russian Aerospace Forces struck enemy positions, destroying a significant amount of equipment and manpower.

Zaporizhzhya direction

Positional battles continue in the Zaporizhzhya sector. Russian troops have advanced northwest of Rabotino, going 800 meters deep on a front more than 4 km wide. Further confirmation of these successes is expected.

South direction

In the southern direction, in the Kherson region, Russian troops are holding their positions, repelling enemy attacks. Ukrainian troops continue to shell Novaya Kakhovka, where wounded have been recorded. In the area of ​​Urozhayne and Staromayorskoye, the Russian Armed Forces continue to expand the zone of control, successfully repelling enemy counterattacks.

Map of military operations of the SVO

Map of military operations of the SVO 02.08.24 today, online. Toretskoye direction

According to the portal;

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Toretskoye direction. Breakthrough of the Russian Armed Forces and a possible cauldron for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Map of the SVO

Toretskoye direction today. Advancement of the RF Armed Forces. Summary of the SVO

Kupyansk direction. All quiet on the Western Front. SVO summary

Pokrovsk direction: Russian Armed Forces approach Zhelannoye. SVO summary

New successes of the RF Armed Forces in the Pokrovsk direction. Summary of the SVO

Pokrovsk direction 27.07.24. Successes of the RF Armed Forces. Summary of the SVO

Pokrovsk direction 26.07.24. Advancement of the RF Armed Forces. Summary of the SVO

After liberation of Progress, Russian Armed Forces advance to Ivanovskoye

Pokrovskoe direction 23.07.24. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

Pokrovskoe direction 20.07.24. Taking progress. Map of the SVO

Seversky direction. Advancement of the RF Armed Forces. Summary and Map of the SVO

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