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Tours of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army are taking place in Sevastopol

Tours of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army are taking place in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Performances of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can be seen on the stages of the Drama Theater of the Black Sea Fleet named after B. A. Lavrenyov, the House of Officers of the Black Sea Fleet and the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A. V. Lunacharsky. As the Honored Artist of Russia, director Andrey Badulin notes, this time one of the performances about the events in the Donbass: the Army Theater was one of the first to attempt to talk about it, to comprehend what is happening from the stage.

The Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army is one of the most respected and famous theaters in the country. We are glad that this year they were able to visit our city on tour, and we are sure that our audience will appreciate their performances. We hope that these tours will be another step in the development of cultural exchange and the strengthening of cultural ties between Sevastopol and other regions— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the director of the department of culture of Sevastopol, Angela Sumakov.

Today, on the stage of the Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A. V. Lunacharsky, a charity screening of the play «The Gray Zone» was held. The author of the play taken as a basis is a resident of Sevastopol, playwright Olga Manko.

The performance tells about what is most important for a person inside. This is the monologue of a simple woman, the heroine of the play, who found herself in the “gray zone” — the territory unoccupied by the parties to the conflict: “We are at war. Inside yourself, to remain a man, and not turn into a beast. Honored Artist of Russia Inna Serpokryl, who plays the main role, was born in Donetsk, so much in the play is in tune with her personal memories and experiences.

Life itself invents plots: everything that the main character, who also has a prototype, speaks about, is taken from real life. Every person in the conflict zone is a hero if he retains a person in himself. I watched the performance as a spectator, I was with the characters in Lugansk and Lysichansk, in their atmosphere, and several times I felt that tears were coming— shared the author of the play «The Gray Zone» Olga Manko.

As part of the tour, several more performances will be held in Sevastopol.

4 September:

  • performance «The main role» — Drama Theater of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. B. A. Lavrenyova, beginning at 19:00.

September 5:

  • performance «The main role» — House of officers of the Black Sea Fleet, beginning at 19:00;
  • performance «When I return» — Drama Theater of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. B. A. Lavrenyova, beginning at 19:00.

6 September:

  • performance «Marriage» — Drama Theater of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. B. A. Lavrenyova, beginning at 19:00.

Recall that the tour of the Army Theater is being held in Sevastopol for the fourth time with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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