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Traffic was stopped on the Crimean Bridge last night

Traffic was stopped on the Crimean Bridge last night

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Traffic on the Crimean Bridge was temporarily blocked that night. The relevant information was published in Telegram channel Information center about the situation on the road approaches to the bridge.

The traffic crossing remained closed for 50 minutes (almost until one in the morning). The air target, which posed a danger, was destroyed at a fair distance from the bridge (the Kerchan residents did not even hear the air defense work).

Channel Trianglewhich specializes in disseminating warnings of enemy attacks, promptly reported:

Kerch is fine. We worked. Target destroyed. Thanks to the air defense.

What and where exactly was shot down is not yet known. Let us note that that same night, Ukrainian Armed Forces drones attacked Azov. A tank containing petroleum products caught fire there. The fire area reached five thousand square meters, reported in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

So that’s it stuffing about the “not very important Crimean Bridge” remained informational chatter. Both the bridge and the entire infrastructure (fuel, transport, logistics, social) of the country are targets for insidious attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Vigilance (and professionalism of the air defense forces) is our everything!

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