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Treason. Sentence: 16 years in a maximum security colony. What did the fugitive Crimean do?

Treason. Sentence: 16 years in a maximum security colony. What did the fugitive Crimean do?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea has issued a verdict in a criminal case against a resident of Yalta, born in 1976. The Crimean was found guilty of treason.

It was established that in February 2022, the man joined a separate motorized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, having undergone special training and received a military uniform and firearms. Since that time, he has been taking part in combat operations against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation— reported the prosecutor’s office.

The court qualified the defendant’s actions under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation — high treason, that is, the commission by a citizen of the Russian Federation of a defection to the enemy.

The defendant hid from the preliminary investigation bodies and was put on the international wanted list. The defendant’s actions were identified by employees of the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

The court, taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, sentenced the man to 16 years in prison to serve the sentence in a maximum security correctional colony.

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