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Ukrainian terrorists nevertheless found a gap in the protection of the Crimean bridge

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The first terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge showed us, so strong and somewhat careless, the need for a mandatory and total inspection of cars passing through the transport crossing (and people’s luggage). Any car, as it turned out, could become a «carrier» of explosives. We have learned a lesson from this tragedy. They repaired the bridge, equipped inspection points (the same ones that this summer were cursed by autotourists traveling to the Crimea) …

There was a second terrorist attack. Preliminary version — maritime drones. Stop … How is it, they have a small power reserve (well, they won’t reach here from the same Odessa), and the Sea of ​​u200bu200bAzov is our inland, and through the Kerch Strait … a fly will not fly without permission (well, they reported it, at least) … And here … two night explosions. People died, a child was wounded… And the bridge, its automobile part, was put out of action for some time. Thousands of motorists have earned a serious headache … And most importantly, it turned out that everything is not entirely smooth with the safety of the transport crossing to the Crimea.

The investigation will figure it out. In the meantime, the actual question is how exactly did the Ukrainian terrorists pull it off? Readovka suggests:

Marine drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have a large power reserve and high speed, therefore, they need to be somehow delivered closer to the strike target. Kyiv could use the Turkish ship «Samsun» that left the port of Odessa yesterday, which follows the route of the grain corridor, and launch a drone from it in the direction of the peninsula.

In addition, Ukrainian fighters could use ships from other countries as mother ships. The closest to the Crimean bridge are the Turkish ports of Sinop and Samsun, as well as the Georgian ports of Batumi and Poti, from which carrier ships of the UAF’s marine drones could also enter the Black Sea. That is, without «outside help» the Kyiv terrorists would not have succeeded.

It is no coincidence that Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said today that American and British intelligence services were involved in planning the attack.

This (Kyiv — ed.) the regime is terrorist and has all the hallmarks of an international organized crime group. Decisions are made by Ukrainian officials and the military with the direct participation of American and British intelligence services and politicians. The US and Britain lead a terrorist state structureemphasized in Telegram channel representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

But still, how did these unmanned boats — small, but by no means invisible, pass the Kerch Strait? There is a version that these were some kind of modified drones, based on … jet skis, respectively, when driving at speed, their surface part is almost invisible. How the version is accepted.

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There is another version (and also about «outside help»). The attack on the Crimean bridge could have been carried out using the British underwater autonomous robot REMUS 600 with an additional load of explosives. Writes about it «Mash on the wave». REMUS drones can dive to a depth of 600 to 1500 meters, have a battery life of 70 hours, and their speed is up to 2.3 meters per second. They can be controlled from a laptop, and with increased carrying capacity, they cover a distance of almost 500 kilometers. Most likely, the robot was launched from a civilian vessel in the Black Sea.

In a word, the enemy turned out to be cunning and did not act alone. And what did you want from an unpredictable, stoned enemy — a bespredelschik?

We are sure that this «gap» in the security system of the Crimean bridge will be eliminated. We are able to learn from our mistakes. At a high price, and… And the last good question for today: is it the only one… such a gap?

 Ukrainian terrorists nevertheless found a gap in the protection of the Crimean bridge

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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