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Unified register of conscripts: departments, as well as private medical clinics, will transfer information about people to military registration and enlistment offices

Unified register of conscripts: departments, as well as private medical clinics, will transfer information about people to military registration and enlistment offices

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The tax office, Rosobrnadzor, private medical clinics and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will transfer information about people to military registration and enlistment offices, and from there to the Unified Register of Conscripts. This is being done, according to the authorities, for the convenience of the citizens themselves: so that they do not have to once again knock down summonses, and the military registration and enlistment offices always clearly know who can be drafted and who cannot. About how this system will work, «Parliamentary newspaper» said Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andrei Kartapolov.

Eliminate bureaucracy

In Russia, the formation of the Unified Register of Conscripts continues in pursuance of the law on the digitalization of military records adopted in April — also known as the “law on electronic summonses.” The day before, on October 3, the Russian Government issued a decree obliging Rosobrnadzor to collect information about students and transfer it to military registration and enlistment offices “to update military registration documents.” Judging by the text of the document, students of universities and colleges with technical schools, and even ordinary schoolchildren also fall under its scope.

As Andrei Kartapolov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, told Parliamentary Newspaper, the main goal of this work is to optimize the military registration system:

This is necessary so that the person does not have to be pulled over again, so that he does not think about whether to go to the military registration and enlistment office or not, and if he goes, what documents to take with him, the parliamentarian emphasized. — Let’s say he finished nine grades and entered a vocational educational institution — data about the change in his status will automatically go to the register. And the military registration and enlistment office, forming a plan for the next conscription campaign, will already clearly know that he is not subject to conscription. Or vice versa, respectively.

At the same time, the matter will not be limited to Rosobrnadzor alone. According to Andrei Kartapolov, the tax office, the Ministry of Health (and medical organizations in general, including private clinics), territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which deal with registration at the place of residence, and employing companies, both state and private. All of them should soon receive their government regulations, similar to the one that was issued for Rosobrnadzor.

Thus, our military registration and enlistment offices will have the opportunity to know exactly what status this or that conscript is in — whether he works or not, and if he works, then where, where he is registered, whether he has any serious illnesses, and so on, — the parliamentarian emphasized. — This will, firstly, relieve military registration and enlistment offices of excess burden, because they will not have to deal with updating the data themselves, and secondly, avoid mistakes when summonses during the conscription campaign are given to those who are not subject to conscription.

Three calls according to the old rules

However, Andrei Kartapolov clarified, this will most likely not happen soon: for now, the launch of the Unified Register of Conscripts is scheduled for the first half of 2025. Accordingly, at least the next three conscription campaigns — the ongoing autumn 2023, as well as the spring and autumn 2024 — will be held according to the old rules. The same, by the way, applies to the automatic introduction of “interim measures” for draft dodgers, such as a ban on traveling abroad, applying for loans and the right to drive a car — we previously talked about this in detail.

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The work is being carried out and is being carried out quite actively,” the parliamentarian emphasized. — If it works out, and we work hard in 2024, perhaps we will be able to launch the register earlier. But I would still count on the fact that it will operate in full according to plan, that is, not earlier than 2025.”

source: «Parliamentary newspaper»

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