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Victims of a Ukrainian missile attack are being sent from Sevastopol to Moscow

Victims of a Ukrainian missile attack are being sent from Sevastopol to Moscow

CrimeaPRESS reports:

City Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev announced that 15-20 victims of the Ukrainian Armed Forces missile attack will be transported to Moscow.

As I already said, at night, on behalf of the President, a combined team of specialists from the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine, doctors from institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Department of Health arrived in Sevastopol (, (https://t .me/mos_sobyanin/11235) Emergencies Ministry specialists (psychologists).

35 specialists worked all night and continue to work. They examined all the victims, and now at the consultation a decision will be made on transporting the patients to Moscow medical institutions. They will be provided with all the necessary assistance.

I spoke with the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Anastasia Vladimirovna Rakova, in Moscow about all parents who will fly with their children will be taken care of and placed in a hotel.

source: official telegram channel of Mikhail Razvozhaev

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